Barley Grass has continued to become a greater problem with annual grasses that are prolific seeders tending to dominate over perennial species. We’ve listed some practical tips to combat Barley Grass:


  • Identify areas of infestation in spring. Stop these areas seeding by grazing hard, then spray with Glyphosate 450 (200ml/ha Glyphosate can be useful).
  • In areas identified for Barley Grass control, spray again with Glyphosate 2L/ha over summer if your pastures are green. If pastures are dry lightly cultivate soils (to a depth of 50mm). If any rain falls this cultivation will help germinate the Barley Grass seed in soil.
  • Two weeks after the Barley Grass seed germination, spray with Glyphosate at 1-2L/ha. Repeat the bold section highlighted in step 2


  • If you get two control sprays then the total Barley Grass seed in the ground will be reduced to a level we think would be safe to sow perennial ryegrass in Autumn.
  • Our most suitable perennial ryegrass blend is Vatbuster, sown in late March at a rate of 25-35kg/ha


  • When the Vatbuster has reached the three leaf stage, spray with Scanner 500 1L/ha – 7 day WHP. Spray Scanner 500 between April and end of July, to moist soil after main germination of Barley Grass, check out
  • In old legume pastures not sown this year, spray with 200ml/ha of Shogun. Always add non-ionic surfactant such as Wetter 1000 at 200ml/100L of water (3 day WHP).
  • Do not use Shogun on annual or biannual pastures. Do not treat with Shogun once Barley Grass has reached green flower head stage or on new pastures.
  • It’s highly advisable to repeat the control steps the following season, particularly with Scanner 500 on the areas resown as it is easier to control Barley Grass in a vegetative stage rather than waiting until seed head has developed. Always read the label prior to application and follow such directions.

For further information about the control of Barley Grass please contact your local Notman Pasture Seeds agronomist.


Barley Grass Control Comparisson