
Vibe Italian Ryegrass

Vibe Italian Ryegrass is a very persistent and very high yielding diploid Italian ryegrass with exceptional palatability, densely tillered and very late heading (+27 days) with low aftermath heading to maintain pasture quality late into the spring.


Vibe Italian Ryegrass is a very persistent and very high yielding diploid Italian ryegrass. Handles hard grazing very well and hangs in there when most other Italians won’t, with excellent persistence and without the animal health issues caused by some novel endophyte containing Italian ryegrass varieties. Very palatable, densely tillered and very late heading (+27 days) with low aftermath heading to maintain pasture quality late into the spring. Excellent disease resistance.

THE PERSISTENT ITALIAN RYEGRASS – Higher yields, better persistence

  • Very persistent, even under harsh management conditions
  • Bounces back from hard grazings well.
  • Very high yield performance across seasons, years and regions
  • Late heading (+27 days) for carrying pasture quality longer into spring
  • Very low aftermath heading (returns to vegetative state quickly after heading)
  • Very palatable

Where it fits?

As a high quality short to medium term grass which has the capacity to persist through dry summer conditions and moderate insect pest attack. Suited to all livestock types and classes

Late Heading – holds forage quality for longer into spring

Vibe has another big advantage. At +27 days heading date, Vibe is up to 10 days later heading than traditional Italian ryegrasses, enabling it to maintain forage quality for longer into the spring.
And with low aftermath heading, it returns quickly to vegetative state, enabling higher livestock performance potential. And Vibe is highly palatable.

Sowing and Establishment

Sow as early as possible when moisture is available to maximise winter feed in the first year and monitor fertility levels to optimise production. Use a sowing rate of 20-35kg/ha.

Italian Ryegrass Blends

Vibe Italian Ryegrass is available in a range of italian ryegrass blends with legumes to improve the quality of hay and silage.


Variety Vibe Italian Ryegrass
Endophyte Nil
Sowing rate 25-40 kg/ha
Heading Date Very Late +27 days to Nui=0
Ploidy Diploid
Pasture life 1-2 years