
WinterCrop Oats, Ryecorn & Ryegrass

WinterCrop Oats, Ryecorn & Ryegrass has been developed to improve winter feed balance with a exceptionally quick establishing forage ryecorn, rapid establishing forage oat and leafy Ed MAX Annual Ryegrass


WinterCrop Oats (50%), Ryecorn (25%) & Ryegrass (25%) has been developed to improve winter feed balance with a exceptionally quick establishing forage ryecorn, rapid establishing forage oat and leafy Ed MAX Annual Ryegrass. Flexibility is a key attribute with this mix, with the cereals (Oats & Ryecorn) providing early feed potential and the Annual Ryegrass carrying through to spring.

This WinterCrop mix has quick growth, high yield, nutritional value, palatability, and digestibility make them valuable feed sources for livestock during these critical periods when pastures aren’t providing a great deal of feed in autumn and sometimes early winter. This three-way forage blend has fast establishment, an ability to produce high quality feed at a time when feed is in short supply and enable higher stocking rates sooner.

It is important that this blend is lightly grazed as soon as it is able to withstand pulling. This will encourage the plants to grow more tillers, therefore adding extra growth, extending the growing period.

  • Exceptional speed of establishment – fill early winter feed gap
  • Good nutritional balance
  • Fast growing oat, winter active annual ryegrass
  • Increase in winter yield without impacting spring yield.


WinterCrop Mix WinterCrop Oats, Ryecorn & Ryegrass
Pasture species  Oats, Ryecorn, Ryegrass
Sowing rate  80-100 kg/ha
Sowing date  Mid autumn-early winter
Soil type  Wide range
Rainfall  500mm+
Bag size  25kg, 1000kg


About WinterCrop pasture blends:

WinterCrop pasture blends are a highly advantageous option for farmers seeking winter grazing and/or the production of abundant fodder during spring. These blends typically consist of a combination of species such as annual ryegrass, oats, ryecorn, peas, oats, and vetch. A key benefit of WinterCrop mixes are their suitability for both winter and spring seasons. These mixes are designed to thrive in cool temperatures, ensuring successful germination and growth even in colder conditions.