Due to rapid advances in plant breeding technology, plant protection and management expertise, the last decade has seen significant increases to the yield potential and stress tolerance of corn.

For many farmers producing corn for silage production in southern Australia, the potential exists to increase profits. There are many important factors which will contribute to this.

The yield potential of corn will vary between districts and farms because of planting date, water availability, sunlight, soil structure, soil fertility and a decision to get back to pasture in Autumn.

Yield potential will also vary between seasons at the same site depending on the season (e.g. heat wave, drought), as well as choice of hybrid, sowing time and other associated management decisions (e.g. type, quantity and timing of fertiliser applied).

However, good management is the key to economic crop production.

Pioneer Seeds Corn Growers Guide is a great manual to familiarize yourself with key management areas of growing a corn crop for silage. Download today, or ask your Notman Pasture Seeds rep for a hard copy.