Woody Weed specialist herbicides

Specialist woody weed herbicides to control help to kill and control tough and hard to kill noxious and woody weeds. Granular & liquid herbicides.

Woody weeds have to be well wet, and with some weeds the stem or canes may also have to be wet, e.g. blackberries. Where the nature of the weed and the mode of action of the herbicide requires wetting of stems and canes, the volume needed to achieve good coverage will be about 50% more than if only the foliage had to be wetted.

To ensure effective control always read the label for the directions of use. The most common error in woody weed spraying is that larger bushes are under- sprayed due to their extensive surface area, big canopy volume and massive amount of plant biomass (centre of bush) protected by outer layers of foliage. Seek your local experts advice for spraying techniques.

Which specialist woody weed herbicide should i use?

Product Major Weeds Special comments
Triclpyr- Picloram Blackberry, Capeweed, Dock, Ragwort, Thistles
  • Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment
  • Foliar spraying of tough-to-kill woody weeds and many noxious herbaceous weeds.
  • Acts on both foliage and roots to provide rapid brownout of leaves, dry-down of stems and destruction of the root mass to prevent regrowth.
Triclopyr 600 Blackberry, Capeweed,
  • Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment
  • A foliar spray option for tough-to-kill woody weeds and many noxious herbaceous weeds.
  • Acts rapidly on weed foliage to provide quick browning of leaves and stems.
  • Short residual life in the soil allows planting of sensitive crops and shrubs soon after application.
  • Provides less risk of root uptake from desirable plants (physical spray drift can still cause damage).
Metsulfuron Methyl 600 Blackberry, Bracken, Ragwort, Dock, Erdodium, Sorrel, Clover, Deadnettle, Wireweed, Sorrell,
  • Seedling weeds and smaller weeds (up to 4-6 leaf on most weeds)
  • Will severely damage Annual and Perennial ryegrass
  • Price per hectare
  • Tolerant grass species – Perennial phalaris, perennial cocksfoot (stands greater than one year old)