Notman Pasture Seeds has a comprehensive range of clovers available, including Balansa, Red, Subterranean and White clover. Our experts can assist you in finding the right clover for your farm.

There are a number of clovers available on the market, all with varying characteristics and benefits for your farm. White clovers are a perennial legume used in pasture mixes to fix nitrogen and to provide high quality forage. Best used on moderate to highly fertile soils. Red clovers are a short-lived, tap-rooted legume used in pasture mixes to provide high quality summer forage. Flowers later than white clover. May persist 2-4 years in mixed pastures and up to 5 years under favourable conditions. Performs best under low stocking rates, long summer rotations, or hay production.

White Clover

White Clover are distinguished by their leaf size, are highly persistent in pastures throughout southern Australia as a result of its growth, branching and rooting down of stolons.

Sub Clover

Subterranean Clover is a self-regenerating annual legume widely used pasture legume in southern Australia. Sub Clover grows predominately through autumn, winter and spring in low-medium, winter rainfall dominant areas.

Red Clover

Red Clover is a tap rooted short lived (2-5 years) perennial clover with good drought tolerance, Red Clover can boost late spring and summer growth as well as feed quality.


Balansa Clover is an annual self regenerating very adaptable species, that will generally grow where subterranean clover grows as well as some areas where soils can experience water logging or where salinity is a problem.

Persian Clover

Persian clover is a high density annual clover  with upright growth to 1m tall, with excellent regrowth up cutting or grazing. A self regenerating legume peaking in growth during spring.


Arrowleaf Clover delivers abundant tonnage late in the spring, again perfect for grazing or cut for hay. Arrowleaf Clover is a tall erect growth (50-100cm) makes it compatible and persistent with most forage crops and pasture species.

Berseem Clover

Berseem Clover is a winter-growing, erect, annual legume capable of excellent bulk growth for silage and hay. Berseem Clover can grow 60–80 cm tall.

Bladder Clover

Bladder Clover is an excellent base for regenerating pastures, suited to areas of low rainfall. n its native environment it grows in well drained soils ranging in texture from sandy loam to clay with pH ranging from moderately acidic to mildly alkaline.

Crimson Clover

Crimson Clover stands out as an annual high-yield aerial-seeding, self regenerating plant with striking ‘reddish crimson’ flowers, ideal for short-term pasture applications catering to both high protein grazing and harvest needs.

Rose Clover

Crimson Clover stands out as an annual high-yield aerial-seeding, self regenerating plant with striking ‘reddish crimson’ flowers, ideal for short-term pasture applications catering to both high protein grazing and harvest needs.

Strawberry Clover

Strawberry Clover is a valuable legume species that has the ability to adapt and survive to hostile growing conditions such as salinity, alkalinity.