MEGABITE Italian Ryegrass pasture seed blends are high class Italian ryegrass mixes featuring the leading high class ryegrass genetics - Vibe and Feast II.

These high class diploid and tetraploid ryegrasses deliver exceptional winter and spring growth, impressive total forage yield, and minimal aftermath heading, ensuring superior quality and productivity throughout the season.

For added pasture diversity and nitrogen fixation, choose MEGABITE Plus, enriched with Shaftal Persian and Balansa Clover to enhance soil health and boost forage quality.

Vibe Italian Ryegrass Longwarry


Vibe Italian Ryegrass
Feast II Italian Ryegrass
Paradana Balansa Clover
Shaftal Persian Clover

MEGABITE Plus is a popular seed mix combining long season Italian ryegrasses with spring active balansa and shaftal clovers. Forage quality is maintained late into spring thanks to the late heading Vibe Italian Ryegrass and clover, give you the opportunity to graze or harvest dense, leafy, high ME feed.


Vibe Italian Ryegrass
Feast II Italian Ryegrass

MEGABITE Premium combines two well known Italian Ryegrasses to deliver fast establishment, high winter growth thanks to the Feast II, and long season density, late quality thanks to the Vibe. MEGABITE Premium can perform well into a second Autumn with suitable summer rainfall or irrigation.

Ready to find out more?

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