The largest oilseed crop grown in the country, Australia’s canola growing area extends from southwest Western Australia to the Eastern Seaboard.
There are a number of proven benefits that make growing canola hybrids as a crop a wise choice, from its higher yield potential to enhanced reliability across farming environments and seasons to better manage financial risks.
What are the benefits of planting hybrid canola seed?
- Increased early vigour and crop competition protects against losses from pests and weeds
- Greater choice of herbicide tolerant systems, such as Clearfield® (The unique Clearfield symbol and Clearfield® are registered trademarks of BASF.), Triazine and Roundup Ready® (Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark used under license from Monsanto Company).
Y Series® Roundup Ready® Canola Hybrids
43Y29 RR
Early Maturity (3) Early Grazing and Planting Option
Combines segment leading yield potential, outstanding consistency and excellent oil content. Low to medium rainfall environments.
- High yield potential with high oil content
- Excellent early growth
- Compact canopy, dense pod set and uniform ripening
45Y28 RR
Mid Maturity (5) Early Planting and Grazing Potential
Combines market-leading yield potential, oil content and ease-of-management to deliver greater income per hectare. Medium to high rainfall environments.
- Medium plant structure
- Exceptional standability
- Recommended planting partner to Pioneer®
44Y27 RR
Early Mid Maturity (4) Roundup Ready Option
Delivers an unmatched agronomic package of medium plant height, excellent standability and harvestability. Direct heading for maximum yield.
- Early growth for superior crop competition
- Early canopy closure
- Exceptional standability and uniform ripening
45Y25 RR
Mid Maturity (5) Early Grazing and Planting Option
Combines very high yield potential, consistency and very high oil content to represent an outstanding agronomic package.
- Consistent top-end yields
- Exceptional early growth for superior crop competition
- Exceptional standability and uniform ripening
43Y23 RR
Early Maturity (3) Low to Medium Rainfall Option
Its impressive hybrid vigour helps deliver effective weed control and herbicide resistance with exceptional vigour, crop competition and yield potential.
- Proven yield consistency
- Suited to a wide range of environments and seasons
- Solid bottom end yield for tough environments
Y Series® Clearfield® Canola Hybrids
43Y23 RR
Early Maturity (3) Low to Medium Rainfall Option
Its impressive hybrid vigour helps deliver effective weed control and herbicide resistance with exceptional vigour, crop competition and yield potential.
- Proven yield consistency
- Suited to a wide range of environments and seasons
- Solid bottom end yield for tough environments
43Y23 RR
Early Maturity (3) Low to Medium Rainfall Option
Its impressive hybrid vigour helps deliver effective weed control and herbicide resistance with exceptional vigour, crop competition and yield potential.
- Proven yield consistency
- Suited to a wide range of environments and seasons
- Solid bottom end yield for tough environments
43Y23 RR
Early Maturity (3) Low to Medium Rainfall Option
Its impressive hybrid vigour helps deliver effective weed control and herbicide resistance with exceptional vigour, crop competition and yield potential.
- Proven yield consistency
- Suited to a wide range of environments and seasons
- Solid bottom end yield for tough environments
43Y23 RR
Early Maturity (3) Low to Medium Rainfall Option
Its impressive hybrid vigour helps deliver effective weed control and herbicide resistance with exceptional vigour, crop competition and yield potential.
- Proven yield consistency
- Suited to a wide range of environments and seasons
- Solid bottom end yield for tough environments