This chemical product list provides an organised resource for easy reference to essential information on each chemical product. It includes details on active ingredients, product labels, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for safety and compliance, alongside direct links to relevant webpages for additional information and support. Designed to support informed decision-making and streamlined access to documentation, this list is an invaluable tool for professionals seeking detailed, up-to-date product insights.


Herbicide Group Form Actives Label MSDS Link
2,4-D Amine 625 4 SL 625 g/L 2,4-D as dimethylamine & diethanolamine salts
2,4-D Amine 700 4 SL 700 g/L 2,4-D present as the dimethylamine and diethanolamine salt
Ester 680
4 EC 680 g/L 2,4-D present as the 2-ethylhexyl ester
2,4-DB 500 4 SL 500 g/L 2,4-DB present as the dimethylamine Salt
Alternative Nil EC 525 g/L Nonanoic Acid
Atrazine 900 5 WG 900 g/kg Atrazine
Amitrole 250 13 SL 250 g/L Amitrole & 220 g/L Ammonium Thiocyanate
Asulam 400 18 SL 400 g/L Asulam as the sodium salt
Bazooka Dry 800 9 SG 800 g /kg Glyphosate (present as the acid and ammonium salt)
Betanal Flow
5 EC 160 g/L Phenmedipham
4, 5, 12 EC 250 g/L Bromoxynil & 25 g/L Diflufenican
Bromoxynil 200 6 EC 200 g/L Bromoxynil
Carfentrazone 400 14 EC 400g/L Carfentrazone ethyl
Carfentrazone 600 14 EC 600 g/L Carfentrazone ethyl
Chlorsulfuron 750 2 WG 750 g/L Chlorsulfuron
Clethodim 360 1 EC 360 g/L Clethodim
4 SL 300 g/L Clopyralid present as the Triisoprop anolamine salt
4 SG 750 g/kg Clopyralid present as the potassium salt
Dicamba-M 4 SL 340 g/L MCPA, 80 g/L Dicamba
Dicamba 500 4 SL 500 g/L Dicamba present as the Dimethylamine Salt
Dicamba 700 4 WG 700 g/kg Dicamba
12 SC 500 g/L Diflufenican
Diuron 900 5 WG 900 g/kg Diuron
Diquat 200 22 SL 200 g/L Diquat present as Diquat Dibromide Monohydrate
Ecopar 4, 14 SC 20 g/L pyraflufen-ethyl
Ethofumesate 500 15 SC 500 g/L Ethofumesate
Firestorm Herbicide 5, 9, 13, 14 SC 100g/L Glyphosate, 15g/L Oxyfluorfen, 350g/L Terbuthylazine, 60g/L Amitrole
Flumetsulam 800 2 WG 800 g/kg Flumetsulam
Fluroxypyr 400 4 EC 400 g/L Fluroxypr
Fluazifop-P 1 EC 212g/L Fluazifop-P present as the butyl ester
Flupropinate 745 29 SL 745 g/L Flupropinate
Glyphosate 450 9 SL 450 g/L Glyphosate
Glyphosate 540K 9 SL 540 g/L Glyphosate
Glufosinate Ammonium 200 10 SL 200 g/L Glufosinate ammonium
Glyphosate Green 360 9 SL 360 g/L Glyphosate
1 EC 520 g/L Haloxyfop present as the haloxyfop-P-methyl ester
2 WG 700 g/kg Imazamox
2 SL 240 g/L Imazapic present as the ammonium salt
2 SG 750 g/kg Imazapyr
MCPA 750  4 SL 750 g/L MCPA present as the dimethylamine salt
MCPA Difufenican 4, 12 EC 250 g/L MCPA; 25 g/L Diflufenican
LVE 570
4 EC 570 g/L MCPA present as the 2-Ethylhexyl Ester
MCPA Picloram 4 SL 420 g/L MCPA present as the potassium salt 26 g/L Picloram present as the potassium salt
Metsulfuron Methyl 600 2 WG 600 g/kg Metsulfuron
Metribuzin 750 5 WG 750 g/kg Metribuzin
Rebel Herbicide 4 EC 440 g/L 2,4-D Acid
Oxyflurofen 240 14 EC 240 g/L Oxyflurofen
Paraquat 250 22 SL 250 g/L Paraquat present as Paraquat Dichloride
Paraquat 360 22 SL 360 g/L Paraquat present as Paraquat Dichloride
Paraquat / Diquat 250 22 SL 135 g/L Paraquat Dichloride, 115g/L Diquat Dibromide
Pendimethalin 440 3 SL 440 g/L Pendimethalin
4 SL 300 g/L 2,4-D, 75 g/L Picloram,
S-Metolachlor 960 15 EC 960 g/L S-Metolachlor
Simazine 900 5 WG 900 g/L Simazine
Sledge 14 EC 25 g/L Paraflufen-ethyl
Sulfometuron 750 2 WG 750 g/kg Sulfometuron Methyl
5 SC 500 g/L Terbutryn
Terbuthylazine 875 5 WG 875 g/L Terbuthylazine
3 EC 480 g/L Trifluralin
4 EC 600 g/L Triclopyr present as butoxyethyl ester
Triclopyr + Picloram 400 4 EC 300 g/L Triclopyr, 100 g/L Picloram
Triclopyr Picloram Extra 4 EC 300 g/L Triclopyr, 100 g/L Picloram, 8g/L Aminopyralid



Insecticide Group Form Actives Label MSDS Link
Alpha Cypermetherin 100EC 4 EC 100 g/L Alpha Cypermethrin
Bifentherin 250 4 EC 250 g/L Bifenthrin
Chlorpyrifos 500 4 EC 500 g/L Chlorpyrifos
Dimethoate 400 4 EC 400 g/L Dimethoate
Fipronil 200 Nil SC 200 g/L Fipronil
Gemstar Biological 5
LeMat 290SL 13 SL 290 g/L Omethoate
Methomyl 225 13 SL 225 g/L Methomyl

Adjuvants & Speciality Sprays

Product Actives Label MSDS Link
Ammonium Sulphate 980 980 g/kg Ammonium Sulphate
Devour Penetrant 1021 g/L Polyether Modified Polysiloxane
Enzo Paraffinic Oil 582 g/L Paraffinic Oil
FLX 700 Adjuvant 360g/L Soyal Phospholipids, 350g/L  Propionic Acid
Extreme White Marker Diazo Dye
Major Spray Tank Cleaner
Rhoadmine Marker 150 150 g/L Rhodamine B
Stimulate Adjuvant 870 g/L Non-ionic surfactants
Wetter 1000 1000 g/L Nonionic Alcohol Ethoxylates

Plant Growth

Product Actives Label MSDS Link
Accelerate 200SG Gibberellic Acid 200 g/kg Gibberellic Acid
Amino Boss Pasture
Growth Formula
Festival 100 Gibberellic Acid 100 g/L Gibberellic Acid
FLX 700 Adjuvant 360g/L Soyal Phospholipids, 350g/L  Propionic Acid