
Glyphosate 540K Herbicide

Glyphosate 540K is a very cost effective non selective herbicide that can be used in a variety of situations. For pasture renewal, it helps eliminate the resident weed populations resulting in a cleaner seedbed, better plant establishment as well as saving valuable tractor hours and diesel.

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Glyphosate 540K is a very cost effective non selective herbicide that can be used in a variety of situations. For pasture renewal, it helps eliminate the resident weed populations resulting in a cleaner seedbed, better plant establishment as well as saving valuable tractor hours and diesel. Glyphosate 540K allows faster turnaround times for direct drilling and cultivation whilst saving valuable time. It is also very useful as a moisture conservation tool.

The main benefits of the high strength formulation are:

  • Shorter rain free period required = 20 minutes when used an approriate adjuvant, otherwise 2 hours.
  • Quicker turnaround times = 1 day for annual weeds and 3 days for perennial weeds.
  • Less chemical required to treat the same area.
  • Easier to measure and mix.
  • Less drums to recycle.
  • Less volume to transport and store.

Glyphosate has so many uses in such a wide variety of situation that it is always best to refer to the Glyphosate 540K Label for specific application details. Glyphosate 540 is compatible with most commonly used herbicides and insecticides.


Pack size: 20L, 1000L

Please get in touch with our Customer team for pricing information (03) 5659 2314

Product Label – Glyphosate 540

MSDS – Glyphosate 540