Paraquat Diquat 250 is a fast acting contact herbicide that desiccates all green plant tissue of seedling grasses, brassica weeds and other seeding brassica weeds. Paraquat Diquat 250 is a contact herbicide that is suited to controlling small to medium size, primarily annual weeds with immature root systems. Paraquat Diquat has rapid rainfastness, works very quickly on target species, maximises moisture retention via rapid weed control and provides rapid root release for sowing ease and short time intervals to allow convenience at the time of sowing.
Paraquat Diquat 250 target weeds controlled include:
- Seedling grasses including annual ryegrass, barley grass, brome grass, volunteer cereals, wild Oats
- Seedling brassica weeds including charlock, mustard, wild turnip, shepherds purse, ward’s weed, wild radish
- Other seedling broadleaf weeds including capeweed, deadnettle, horehound, medic, stinging nettle, storksbill, subterranean clover, wireweed, marshmellow and vetch
Active Constituent: 135 g/L PARAQUAT present as PARAQUAT DICHLORIDE. 115 g/L DIQUAT present as DIQUAT DIBROMIDE
Comparative Products: Sprayseed, Weedy Seedy,
Please get in touch with our Customer team for pricing information (03) 5659 2314
* Important: All Equivalent / similar products listed should be used as a guide only and may not be identical to the comparable Notman Pasture Seeds product. Formulations may differ including physical and chemical properties. Trademarks may apply to products listed. Recommendations for use, handling, storage and disposal of products may also change over time. Always read container label and leaflet before opening or using products.