
Top Crop Chicory and Clover

Top Crop Chicory and Clover contains a unique blend of:

  • Top Crop Chicory
  • Red Clover


Unlock the full potential of your pasture with Top Crop Chicory and Clover! This premium Top Crop Forage Blend is specifically designed to deliver exceptional nutrition for livestock, ensuring high live weight gains in lambs and cattle, and milk production. With its remarkable summer palatability and high-quality feed value, livestock can thrive in a rotationally grazed platform throughout late spring, summer, and autumn.

Top Crop Chicory and Clover offers a distinct nutritional profile compared to traditional dryland ryegrass and white clover pastures, designed to maximise animal health and performance with superior nutrition, particularly during summer months when most pastures struggle. This mix can give your livestock the advantage they need for optimal growth and productivity throughout this period. Compared with traditional pastures, Top Crop Chicory and Clover contains more energy, more soluble sugars, less fibre (ADF and NDF), the low levels of fibre are more rapidly digested and also high levels of protein too.

When it comes to grazing Top Crop Chicory and Clover, timing is key for your pasture’s health. Typically, you can start grazing about 8 weeks after sowing, but this may vary based on soil temperature, moisture, and fertility. At the first grazing wait until the chicory has at least 7 true leaves per plant (around 20-30cm tall) and making sure the plants can’t be pulled out of the ground easily. Remove livestock from the mix when the crop height reaches around 7-8 cm (about the height of the top of your boot). The key is not to overgraze, as this can harm the plant population and subsequent grazing potential.

Blend Top Crop Chicory and Clover
Species Chicory, Red Clover
Sowing date Early-mid Spring, early Autumn
Sowing depth 5-10mm
Sowing rate 8-12 kg/ha
Ready to graze 60-80 days
Potential grazings Multiple, Perennial type