Gibberellic Acid is a naturally occurring plant hormone that stimulates growth through cell expansion resulting in stem and leaf elongation. Following an application of Gibberellic Acid on pasture, rapid growth occurs this is sometimes lighter in colour for the first couple of weeks after application, this colour change does not affect pasture quality.
- Naturally occurring plant hormone
- Safe for your livestock – no withholding period
- Economic option to grow extra feed
- Suitable for all stock types—beef, dairy and prime lamb
- Works with fertilizer inputs to increase winter growth
- Up to 600kg DM/ha per application
When should I first apply Gibberellic Acid?
Gibberellic Acid will provide a benefit when the pasture production appears to be slowing due to falling temperatures. This can be as early as late April. Timing will depend on our location, soil type and the season.
What rate should I apply Gibberellic Acid at?
We reccommend 40g/ha application rate of our Gibberellic Acid 200 SG with 100 litres of water per hectare to give it a good even coverage. Recommended a boom spray is used to apply product.
Should I add a wetting agent to the tank?
A non ionic wetter, such as Wetter 1000 (at 10mL/100L), may improve the coverage and penetration of Gibberellic Acid. If applying in high pH water, use a buffing propionic wetting agent such as FLX700 Adjuvant to reduce pH to approximately 5. Do not leave mixture overnight.
What is the timing of applications?
Optimum results are obtained with minumum intervals of 27 days between applications to the same pasture. It’s recommended the selected pasture is grazed a few days prior to each application.
What pastures types and preparation do I need?
Gibberellic Acid can be used on most pasture types in southern Australia, especially ryegrasses, cocksfoot, phalaris.
Can I apply Gibberellic Acid to new pasture?
Do not use on newly sown pasture. Gibberellic Acid is foliar absorbed, so ensure adequate leaf growth before application.
When should my last application be?
When average daily temperatures are reach 15°C or above Gibberellic Acid will not increase forage growth because the plants naturally have sufficient growth promotion in this temperature range.
Can I apply Gibberellic Acid if it’s raining or rain is expected soon?
Effective application requires the Gibberellic Acid to be absorbed into the grass leaf, so heavy rain can dimish the effectiveness of the application. Light rain after application will not require re-application.
Can I mix Gibberellic Acid with herbicides or insecticides?
Yes, Gibberellic Acid is compatible with a wide range of herbicides and insecticides. It’s non toxic and features a non toxic soluable granule formulation. Before mixing with any other products check for latest compatability information from Notman Pasture Seeds. Trial a small area before full scale application if in any doubt.
Will Gibberellic Acid produce the same quality pasture?
Yes, you will get the most pasture of the same quality. Research shows there is no significant change to the dry matter, moisture content, crude protein, digestability or metabolizable energy (ME)
Can soil temperatures drop too low?
Yes. Gibberellic Acid performs best when soil temperature are above 5°C (measured at a depth of 10cm at 9am).
What are the ideal grazing methods?
Pasture should be grazed no lower than 1,300kg DM/ha. Pasture grazed too low will not be able to absorb the Gibberellic Acid through the the reduce leaf surface. Note there is minimal root uptake of Gibberellic Acid
Is there a withholding period?
No, Gibberellic Acid is a non toxic product with no withhholding period.