Corson Booster (81 CRM) is a very early dual purpose hybrid suitable for southern Victorian and Tasmanian regions where an exceptionally high yielding, early maturing maize hybrid is desired. Featuring fantastic standability and good late season plant health. Booster’s yield stability provides a solid platform for silage and grain growers. High yield potential and consistency combined with a very good agronomic profile.
- Very early maturity dual-purpose hybrid
- Excellent yield stability
- Large bulky plant with excellent early growth
- Very good stalk and root strength
- Girthy well filled ears packed with large excellent test weight kernel
- Maize silage CRM 81 and grain CRM 88
Early Growth | 5/5 |
Drought tolerance | 4/5 |
Stay green | 4/5 |
Whole plant digestibility | 4/5 |
Stalk strength | 4/5 |
Root strength | 4/5 |