
Performer Perennial Blend

Performed Blend is a perennial ryegrass and white clover seed blend formulated for enterprises with medium-high rainfall, such as Gippsland and south-west Victoria. This seed mix features:


Performer Blend is a perennial ryegrass and white clover seed mix formulated for dairy and beef enterprises with medium to high rainfall, such as Gippsland and south-west Victoria.

Designed with pasture persistence in mind, along with late season quality, this mix features the ever reliable Matrix Perennial Ryegrass paired with Demand White Clover. Demand White Clover is a small-leaf, stolon-dense variety that enhances ground cover and resilience in intensive grazing systems while boosting nitrogen fixation for sustained soil fertility. Demand is a good option for dry conditions providing minimal annual rainfall achieved, approx 700mm p.a. This is a cost effective blend that blends quality and value for money.

Performer Blend features:

Seed mix Performer Blend
Species Perennial Ryegrass, White clover
Endophytes Standard Endophyte
Sowing rate 25-35 kg/ha
Sowing depth 5-10 mm
Heading Date Mid-Late
Ploidy Diploid
Pasture life Perennial
Unit size 25kg, 1000kg bulk bag