
Premium Equine Blend

A highly productive multi species pasture blend that produces a uniform supply of palatable grazing for horses throughout the growing season.

  • Ultra AR1 Perennial Ryegrass
  • Leona Prairie Grass
  • Gala Grazing Brome
  • Vision Cocksfoot
  • Kentucky Bluegrass


Our Premium Equine Blend is a highly productive, animal safe multi species pasture blend that produces a uniform supply of palatable grazing for horses throughout the growing season. Ideal for horse owners wanting to increase paddock quality and production, with surplus pasture production in spring can make excellent quality silage and hay. The Premium Equine Blend is ideal for higher rainfall regions in south-east Australia.

This carefully considered equine pasture blend has a ratio of species to co-exist together well, are animal safe and is popular in higher rainfall areas.

The Premium Equine Blend features horse safe AR1 endophyte ryegrass, extremely palatable prairie grass, persistent cocksfoot, lucerne and Kentucky bluegrass.

  • Ultra AR1 horse safe ryegrass
  • Extremely palatable Leona prairie grass and Gala Grazing Brome
  • Persistent, new generation soft to graze Vision cocksfoot
  • Kentucky Bluegrass

Blend Premium Equine Blend
Ideal sowing date Autumn & Spring
Sowing depth 5-10mm
Sowing rate 20-30 kg/ha
Bag size 20kg
Rainfall 600mm + p.a