
Business Class
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds T1

Ultimate turfgrass quality with dark green, dense, clean cutting turfgrass suited to landscape & elite lawns.

  • Tall fescue
Parklands Blend
Parklands Blend - Notman Seeds

Quality turf cover in areas where there is limited water supply. Mid-green appearance & good recovery from wear.

  • Perennial ryegrass
  • Bermuda grass
Budget Blend
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds

Delivers good value when you need an economical option. Ideal for areas of construction or roadsides. Very fast germinating.

  • Perennial Ryegrass
Shade Blend
Shade Blend

Shade tolerant grass for lawn under trees or in reduced sunlight areas.

  • Perennial Ryegrass
  • Creeping Red Fescue
  • Chewings Fescue
Summer Active
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds 2

Summer active lawn with good durability, shade, drought & frost tolerance.

Notman Seeds Turf 001

For areas with limited water supply & low fertility, but still required a premium turf performance.

  • Tall fescue
  • Perennial ryegrass
  • Chewings fescue
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds 2

Sporting Field

Sports Turf Ryegrass
Community Cash Notman Seeds

Elite winter-active, hard wearing, turf-type perennial ryegrasses. Establishes rapidly from sowing, allowing you to play sooner

  • Turf Ryegrass
Durable Sports Turf
Notman Seeds Turf 002

Designed for extensive, hard wearing conditions in a blend of perennial ryegrass & turf fescue.

  • Turf Ryegrass
  • Turf Fescue
Notman Seeds Turf 005

Golf & Bowling Green

Couch Grass
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds golf

Used on golf courses across Australia, Couch will thrive during the warmer months & has excellent traffic tolerance

  • Couch Grass
Bowling Green
Bowling Green Seed Grass Couch Notman Seeds

For use on bowling greens, with strong root growth, excellent heat tolerance means it's well suited to our harsh summers

  • Couch grass
Golf Course Rough
Notman Seeds Golf 002

For use in golf course roughs and contains creeping red fescue and chewings fescue. Suited for loamy to heavy soils where a pure fescue stand is required.

  • Creeping fescue
  • Chewings fescue
Golf Tees
Notman Seeds Golf 001

For use in on golf club tees & fairways where a dark green premium turf cover is required.

  • Perennial ryegrass
  • Creeping fescue
  • Chewings fescue
  • Browntop
Notman Seeds Turf Bentgrass 001

With a texture & density similar to carpet, Bentgrass is ideal for golf & bowling greens. Has good drought & traffic tolerance

  • Bentgrass
Notman Seeds Golf Bentgrass 001

Acerage & Small Paddocks

Animal Safe Blend

A blend of animal safe grazing tolerant grass for horses, sheep & cattle.

  • Low Endophyte Perennial Ryegrass
Budget Blend
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds 2

Large areas can be expensive to re-grass, so we've created a budget blend to fill the gaps

  • Perennial Ryegrass
Elite Acerage Blend
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds 2

Elite performing perennial ryegrasses & turf grass to ensure your lawn is looking great all year round

  • Turf Ryegrass
Gibberellic Acid

Erosion Control

Bermuda Couch
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds 2

Warm season grass that is extremely hardy with extensive root system giving it good drought resistance.

Creeping Red
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds 2

Winter active creeping grass that is shade tolerant. Creeping ability is ideal for erosion control.

Chewings Fescue
Lawn & Turf - Notman Seeds 2

Ideal in shady situations & places hard to mow where tree roots systems compete for soil moisture & nutrients.