Safin Cocksfoot is super fine leaved cocksfoot from Barenbrug. Safin has very good early spring production with high total dry matter. Safin is a reliable, palatable summer feed option when moisture is available.
Key features
- Super fine leaved cocksfoot
- 40-50% higher tiller density than most other older cocksfoots
- Increased early spring production with high total DM
- Suits lambing and calving patterns in medium rainfall dryland systems
- Reliable, palatable summer feed where moisture is available
Key benefits
- Super fine leaved cocksfoot that is able to make the most of summer rainfall events to fill feed gaps for producers
- Noticeably faster to get away in spring and provides an increase in early spring production over other cocksfoots
- Suitable for dryland farming systems in lower fertility areas
As cocksfoot plants are slow to establish, paddock preparation is extremely important. Any (weedy) winter grasses need to be controlled before sowing. Spray topping in the spring prior to sowing is often effective. Failure to ensure proper weed management can result in either partial or complete failure of the stand. Plants will benefit from light grazing during the first 6–8 months after an autumn sowing, provided the root system has developed adequately. Light rotational grazing will encourage root development and allows it to compete with any legume which may have been sown as a companion species.