
Zoom Annual Ryegrass

Zoom Annual Ryegrass is a exceptional  densely tillered and highly palatable tetraploid Westerwolds annual ryegrass, Zoom is a specialist winter feed that has outstanding cool season performance.


Zoom Annual Ryegrass is an exceptional densely tillered and highly palatable tetraploid Westerwolds annual ryegrass, Zoom is a specialist winter feed that has outstanding cool season performance.

Zoom is very fast establishing, has exceptional growth over autumn, winter and spring, with good disease resistance.

It is ideally suited as a winter break crop between maize and other crops.

Zoom™ Annual Ryegrass has the following benefits:

  • Exceptional autumn, winter, spring growth activity
  • Very fast establishment and re-growth
  • High metabolisable energy & digestibility
  • Tetraploid quality, with very good palatability
  • Late heading (+16 days) to maintain feed quality for longer into spring
  • Improved persistence over traditional Westerwolds varieties
  • Very good disease resistance
  • Ideal as a winter break crop such as before / after maize

Where it fits?
Recommended for use with all livestock types, as a specialist winter feed, to produce high volumes of high quality pasture, as well as for silage or hay production. Being a Westerwolds annual Zoom™ should be autumn sown.