Notman Pasture Seeds have a variety of organic non-treated forage options available for the professional organic farmer. Varieties include chicory, plantain, forage rape, turnip & leafy turnips, millet & sorghum.

Organic Spring Forage options are unique summer forage varieties that can deliver high quality summer feed with excellent regrowth & reliability in the drier conditions. Warmer season varieties have proven track record for reliable summer production under all conditions, delivering feed for stock when you need it most.

Organic spring forage varieties optimise summer feed by producing more tonnes of dry matter per hectare compared to traditional pasture methods. They also provide an ideal break crop over the summer period before planting in Autumn.

Customised blends also available.

  • High Quality Summer Feed
  • High in metabolisable energy and minerals
  • Very high livestock performance potential
  • Excellent regrowth potential
  • Reliability in drier conditions; improved drought tolerance
  • Produce more feed compared to traditional pasture management practices
  • Ideal break crop as past of re-grassing programme.



Top Crop Brassica & Herbs

Top Crop Brassica & Herbs contains a unique blend of Pillar & Titan Forage Rape, Pasja II, Chico Chicory & White Clover

  • Very high livestock performance potential
  • Optimise summer feed by producing more DMt/ha than traditional pasture methods
  • Multi-graze potential if moisture available
  • Ideal for oversowing in the following Autumn into the established herbs and clover

Top Crop Brassica, Herbs & Millet

Top Crop Brassica, Herbs & Millet contains a unique blend of Chico Chicory, Pillar Forage Rape, Titan Forage Rape & Millet

  • Ideal summer forage
  • Produces more feed compared to traditional pasture management practices
  • Excellent regrowth under hot conditions, providing moisture is available

Top Crop Rape & Millet

Top Crop Millet & Rape contains a unique blend of Pillar Forage Rape, Titan Forage Rape & Millet

  • A reliable summer forage that offers flexibility
  • Take advantage of the multi graze option with excellent regrowth potential
  • Very good yield potential
  • Suitable for all livestock classes - dairy, beef & sheep


Marco Turnip

Marco Turnip is the earliest maturing turnip available; having an interval to grazing of just 55-65 days, Marco provides flexibility of sowing and grazing management. With less time out of pasture, and the possibility of two crops in one season, Marco is also ideal for late sowings.

Marco Turnip - Notman Pasture Seeds

Pasja II Leafy Turnip

Pasja II Leafy Turnip combines early maturity with yield and the option for multiple grazings (potential yield of 12,000kg DM/ha over multiple grazings), providing quality fast feed you can rely on. If direct drilling, increase sowing rate by 50%.

Pasja II (square)


Pillar Forage Rape

Pillar Forage Rape is an fast establishing, high yielding multi-graze giant-type forage rape with strong re-growth potential, good aphid tolerance and disease resistance. The dry matter yield potential of Pillar is proving on farm to be a real highlight, as is its flexibility for spring or autumn sowings.

Pillar Forage Rape - Notman Pasture Seeds

Titan Forage Rape

Titan combines early maturity, high dry matter yields and exceptional pallatability to deliver a high quality summer/autumn/winter feed option. Strong regrowth potential offers multi-graze options for all grazing systems. Titan provides very good aphid and virus tolerance.
The best choice for rapid acceptance by stock and good dry matter yield.

Titan Forage Rape (square)



We've got a comprehensive range of clovers available, including Balansa, Red, Persian, Strawberry, Subterranean and White clover. Our experts can assist you in finding the right clover for your farm.


Lucerne is a highly adaptable forage cultivar that has the ability to survive extended dry periods resulting from it’s deep roots. It is a reliable cultivar for use as extensive pasture, intensive forage and fodder under irrigation.



Chico Chicory

A high yielding, very high quality and leafy chicory showing fast establishment, rapid re-growth, strong insect resistance and good drought tolerance. Chico is noted for its strong summer, autumn growth providing high quality summer forage and making it ideal as a specialist summer crop for high livestock performance systems.

Chico-Chicory Notman Seeds

Oracle Plantain

A late heading, broad leafed plantain bred for high forage yields under grazing. Has very strong year-round growth, especially over the late spring, summer and autumn months. Has deep fibrous roots enabling good heat and drought tolerance. Ideal for use as a specialist forage crop, or inclusion in permanent mixes.

Oracle Plantain


Shirohie Millet

Shirohie Millet is a highly productive summer leafy forage crop that grows when you need it in summer. The fast growing versatile forage provides forage for grazing, hay and silage. Excellent regrowth potential when good moisture and nitrogen levels are available. Shirohie Millet is also available in our Top Crop blends.

Super Sweet Sudan

Super Sweet Sudan hybrid is quick to graze and sustains mutiple and intensive grazings. SSS produces high quality hay and round bale silage suitable for sheep and cattle. Adaptable early or late planting. Highly palatable at all stages of maturity and growth. Suited for dryland situations and intensive irrigation

Betta Graze Sorghum

Excellent recovery from grazing or cutting, the fast growing nature of Betta Graze and its cold tolerance, mean it is the first forage sorghum you can plant and the first you can feed to any type of livestock. Betta Graze has high palatability and is highly suited to general grazing, hay production and round bale silage.

Pronto Sorghum

Fast maturing for early grazing, silage & hay. A consistent and affordable performer. Finely stemmed, Pronto is a leafy, early maturing, high yielding sorghum type Sudan grass. Ready to graze in 40-55 days. Ideal grazing at 1m high. Produces excellent pit or wrap silage. Best cut for high quality hay at between 1.5-2 metres high.

For more information talk to Notman Seeds

Call our experienced forage & pasture team on (03) 5659 2314