
Amigain Red Clover

Amigain Red Clover is the latest generation red clover bred for increased persistence and performance in permanent pastures, high performance short-term pastures, silage mixes and pure sward red clover stands.

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Amigain Red Clover is the latest generation red clover bred for increased persistence and performance in permanent pastures, high performance short-term pastures, silage mixes and pure sward red clover stands. In a pasture mixture, Amigain provides spring, summer and autumn productivity ideal for increased animal performance, enhancing pasture management and fixing nitrogen. As a specialist multi-year crop, Amigain provides high quality feed ideal for liveweight gain and/or improved condition scores of priority stock classes in sheep and deer systems.

  • Bred to persist and perform in both pasture mixtures and pure stands
  • Semi-prostrate growth habit to enhance persistence
  • Excellent quality suitable for driving animal production
  • Selected for a more fibrous root system
  • Lower formononetin (oestrogen) levels than older varieties
  • Increased clover root weevil tolerance compared to white clover
  • Latest generation, New Zealand bred red clover selected from Georgian, Portuguese and Spanish genetics


In a pasture mix, rotationally graze Amigain or set stock for short periods of time to maximise regrowth and persistence. In pure sward crops, monitor spring growth closely and stock accordingly to maintain quality for a summer grazing rotation. To maximise forage quality avoid stands exceeding 20-25 cm tall and graze to a 4 cm residual


Amigain red clover can be sown in early autumn or spring at 4-6 kg/ha (Superstrike®) in permanent pasture mixes with white clover, ryegrass, tall fescue or cocksfoot. During the establishment phase, grazing should be frequent and light to open pasture swards and allow establishment of legume content.