
Leafmore Forage Rape

A hybrid type forage brassica, Leafmore produces high yielding dry matter and has a good leaf to stem ratio. It can be autumn, winter or spring sown, providing an ideal forage and rotation option.

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Leafmore Forage Rape is a hybrid type forage brassica, Leafmore produces high yielding dry matter and has a good leaf to stem ratio. It can be autumn, winter or spring sown, providing an ideal forage and rotation option. Leafmore Forage Rape is highly palatable and depending on conditions, 10–12t Dm/ha of production is possible within one season. It demonstrates a good cold tolerance and excellent regrowth after grazing. When sown in spring, can grow for 18 months.

Key features of Leafmore Forage Rape

  • Early maturity 8 – 10 weeks to first grazing
  • Vigorous establishment and high yielding, capable of producing 12,000 kg/DM/ha if moisture allows
  • Excellent re-growth for 4 or more grazings
  • Multi stemmed with semi erect growth habit
  • Suitable for autumn and spring sowing
  • High forage quality with good leaf to stem ratio
  • Superior cold growth habit and frost tolerance

Variety Leafmore Forage Brassica
Maturity 55-70 days
Sowing rate 4-6kg/ha (standalone), 1-2kg/ha (mix)
Spring companion species Chicory, Plantain, Red Clover, Forage Millet
Autumn companion species Ryegrass, White Clover, Chicory
Number of grazings 2-4