Stamina GT6 Lucerne was the first grazing tolerant lucerne variety to be released for Australian farmers. Extensively trialled under extreme grazing conditions, Stamina® GT6 performed exceptionally well to give Australian farmers confidence that Stamina® GT6 can perform under some of the harshest conditions.
Stamina® GT6 offers real flexibility as a multi-purpose lucerne that handles prolonged periods of set stocking as well as the potential to produce excellent quality hay. It’s a true all-rounder!
- Selected from long-term Australian lucerne grazing trials
- Maintains stand density over many years
- Good resistance to most lucerne diseases and pests
- Sow autumn, early winter or early spring
- Best results are achieved when sown into a moist firm seed bed
[table width =”100%” style =”table-striped” responsive =”true”]
[th_column]Stock Class[/th_column]
[row_column]Dairy, Beef & Sheep[/row_column]
[th_column]Sowing Rates[/th_column]
[row_column]5-25 kg/ha[/row_column]
[th_column]When will feed be available[/th_column]
[row_column]Spring, Summer and Autumn[/row_column]
[th_column]How can it be used[/th_column]
[row_column]Grazing, Silage, Hay[/row_column]
[th_column]Rainfall/Irrigation (p.a)[/th_column]
[row_column]Minimum 350mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated[/row_column]
[th_column]Treatment recommended[/th_column]
Grazing Management
In the development and evaluation of Stamina GT6, it underwent a very tough protocol to establish grazing tolerance. While Stamina GT6 will survive better than most other lucernes if treated in less than ideal management for lucerne persistence, it is not recommended to treat it any differently to managing other lucerne stands.
Stamina GT6 should be grazed in a rotational grazing system. It is recommended that the rotation period is between 30 – 35 days following grazing during the growing period (rotation lengths may need to be extended during the cooler months due to slower growth).
When grazing lucerne, it is ideal to graze the plant down to 5cm in height and then have the stock taken out. This typical management will ensure a strong lucerne stand for many years which will make Stamina GT6 a very sound investment
Pest and Disease Tolerance
Like any other lucerne, Stamina® GT6 is susceptible to a number of pests such as Red Legged Earth Mite, Lucerne Flea and some Aphids. These pests can have devastating effects on lucerne at any stage of its life if not monitored and controlled. Regular monitoring is very important and if pests are present, speak to your local retail agronomist to find out the best method of control for the pest identified. When purchasing Stamina GT6 lucerne it is strongly recommended that you purchase it with Superstrike™ coating which will give some level of protection from some key pests for the first six weeks after sowing.