
WinterCrop Oats & Ryegrass Blend

WinterCrop Oats and Ryegrass Blend (75% Forage Oats / 25% Annual Ryegrass) is a fast establishing grazing specialist with strong early growth (from the forage oats) and the addition of a leafy Annual Ryegrass. An ideal winter grazing seed mix, this mix has the option to graze right through the growing season.


WinterCrop Oats and Ryegrass Blend (75% Forage Oats / 25% Annual Ryegrass) is a fast establishing grazing specialist with strong early growth (from the forage oats) and the addition of a leafy Annual Ryegrass. An ideal winter grazing seed mix, this mix has the option to graze right through the growing season.

Fast establishment is a key feature. Ryegrass and oats are fast-establishing plants, meaning they germinate and grow rapidly, allowing for early grazing. This is especially beneficial in situations where farmers need to establish a pasture quickly or rejuvenate an existing one.

Cool season performance and seasonal adaptability. This combination allows farmers to have flexibility in their grazing management right with the forage oats available through winter and the ryegrass flourishing in late winter and spring due to its strong regrowth.

WinterCrop Oats and Ryegrass is an ideal winter crop as part of your pasture renovation program:

  • Designed for early feed & grazing flexibility
  • Strong re-growth. Rebounds well from grazing
  • Multiple grazings, plus cut silage/hay
  • Low-cost economical blend
  • Robust blend with excellent disease resistance
  • Ideal for broadleaf weed control in your pasture renovation program

WinterCrop Oats and Ryegrass is ready to graze when the plant is well anchored and root depth is established – carry out a ‘pull test’ to ensure stock cannot pull plants out of the ground.

Weed Control
Plant into a weed free seed bed as there are limited herbicide controls once the crop has emerged

Insect pest tolerance
Regularly monitor damage from insect pests such as lucerne flea and red-legged earthmite. Spray as required.

Longer grazing season
For a longer grazing season, plant a mixture of forage oats and Vibe Italian Ryegrass. Oats comes on strong early while Vibe tends to keeps growing high-quality leaves the rest of the year if moisture is available


WinterCrop Mix  WinterCrop Oats & Ryegrass Blend
Pasture species  Oats, Ryegrass
Sowing rate  80 kg/ha
Sowing date  Mid autumn-early winter
Soil type  Wide range
Rainfall  500mm+
Bag size  25kg, 1000kg


About WinterCrop pasture blends:

WinterCrop pasture blends are a highly advantageous option for farmers seeking winter grazing and/or the production of abundant fodder during spring. These blends typically consist of a combination of species such as annual ryegrass, oats, ryecorn, peas, oats, and vetch.A key benefit of WinterCrop mixes are their suitability for both winter and spring seasons. These mixes are designed to thrive in cool temperatures, ensuring successful germination and growth even in colder conditions.