
Bullet Annual Ryegrass

Bullet is a exciting and rapidly establishing tetraploid annual ryegrass, with superior speed of establishment, cool season performance and excellent pasture quality.

Bullet is densely tillered, upright growing and highly palatable tetraploid Westerwolds annual ryegrass that has outstanding performance.


Bullet Annual Ryegrass is an exciting and rapidly establishing tetraploid annual ryegrass, with superior speed of establishment, cool season performance and excellent pasture quality.


Bullet is densely tillered, upright growing and highly palatable tetraploid Westerwolds annual ryegrass that has outstanding performance.

Bullet is an ideal winter break crop which makes excellent quality silage.

  • Rapid establishment
  • Exceptional autumn, winter, spring yields
  • High pasture quality
  • Highly palatable
  • Sowing date flexibility – can be sown late into autumn
  • Potential of multiple grazings, plus a cut of silage or hay

The leafiness of the Bullet is first class. I was impressed with the cool season performance & especially the establishment of the June sown paddocks – Rocky Reynolds

Planting Bullet was real success with over 4700 bales at 800kg baled at approximately 380kgDM per bale. The late sowing of Bullet was a real bonus – Neil Throckmorton

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