Ed MAX Annual Ryegrass is a rapidly growing diploid annual ryegrass for late autumn, winter and early spring feed. The early-season growth plus fast regrowth from Ed MAX should be advantageous for producers needing high-quality forage early in the season when other forages are not as active. Ed MAX matures later than annual ryegrasses such as Tetila.
Grazing Ed MAX Ed MAX performs well with livestock of all classes. Ed MAX Annual Ryegrass has demonstrated high production when other ryegrass species are generally slower growing during winter. Ed MAX is a great option for both rotational grazed and continuous grazed pastures through the cooler months.
Silage and Hay Silage harvest and cover crop paddocks can benefit from the production of higher biomass earlier in the season by Ed MAX Annual Ryegrass. Expect high yields and quick regrowth when harvesting for early spring hay with Ed MAX.
Cold Tolerance Ed MAX has great early start cold tolerance. Ed MAX is the grass of choice to establish rapidly for late autumn and winter grazing
Erosion Control Ed MAX’s quick growth in the spring can assist in soil stabilization and erosion control.
Cover Crop Grab that excess nitrogen, break up your hard soil, build the carbon bank. High tonnage means lots and lots of biomass. Use Ed MAX as either a single species cover crop or in a Top Crop forage blends with legumes, brassicas and other cover crop species.
►Great Rust Resistance
►Great Cold Tolerance
►Great Forage Yield
Ed Max Annual Ryegrass