
Rohan SPR NEA2 Perennial Ryegrass

Rohan spreading perennial ryegrass (SPR) has been purpose bred to give sheep and beef farmers persistent, easy-care pasture.


Rohan spreading perennial ryegrass (SPR) has been purpose bred to give sheep  and beef farmers persistent, easy-care pasture. Its unique spreading habit can help Rohan SPR fill bare areas in pasture, and recover faster after adverse climatic events. Rohan SPR is palatable, late flowering and comes with NEA2 endophyte for great animal health.

Rohan can deliver farmers:

  • Improved pasture persistence under set stocked/heavy grazing conditions, as its breeding focus was predominantly on persistence.
  • Better tolerance to drought, pugging and insect attack through very high  tiller density (more tillers = greater overall pasture density = more tillers to  kill before pasture density becomes an issue, as well as improved recovery  from damage.
  • Good yield potential – Rohan’s yield potential is 5–10% below leading varieties such as Impact 2, but this difference is not visually noticeable. Rohan SPR suits difficult sites where persistence is a key requirement, and works particularly well in blends for good areas which can be prone to tiller damage through drought, pests and pugging.
  • Improved quality through late spring, with reduced seed-heads so that it stays leafier, greener and better utilised than other cultivars through the spring  seeding period.

Key features

  • Diploid perennial ryegrass
  • Exceptionally densely tillered
  • Late flowering (+18 days vs. Nui)
  • Tough, resilient ryegrass
  • NEA2 endophyte

Key benefits

  • Bred for persistence under grazing
  • Productive in tough conditions
  • Good tolerance to treading and pugging
  • Produces lateral tillers to fill bare areas
  • Resistance to a wide range of insects
  • Grazing safe for sheep and cattle

Variety Rohan SPR NEA2 Perennial Ryegrass
Endophyte NEA2
Sowing rate 25-30 kg/ha
Heading Date Late heading, +18 days to Nui=0
Ploidy Diploid perennial