Grain bearing: feed value increases with maturity
The flexible forage sorghum. Mega Sweet is attractive to stock at any stage of growth and increases its feed value and sweetness as it matures. Mega Sweet can be planted early in the season, mid season or late season for late summer and carry-over feed. Mega Sweet can be used for grazing or quality silage production but should be your first choice for grazing cattle. it is especially suited to beef enterprises and can give exceptional weight gains.
- Sweet sorghum x sweet sorghum hybrid
- Grain-bearing
- High sugar content
- Feed value increases with maturity
- Highly flexible: can be planted early, mid-season or late
- Ideal for beef grazing, late summer/carry-over feed and pit silage
Level of Management Required
Most flexible. Maintains maximum quality and is attractive to stock at any growth stage either early, mid or late season, as well as going into winter.
Grazing Tips
Good quality at any stage of growth, with feed value increasing with maturity. Ideal for grazing at any growth stage, especially late. Mega Sweet will set grain.
Row Spacings
10 to 100 cm rows suit crop and grain development.
Planting Rate
Marginal Dryland: 2-4 kg/ha
Good Dryland: 5-6 kg/ha
Irrigation and Coastal: 8-12 kg/ha