
Quantica Tall Fescue MaxP

Quantica Tall Fescue MaxP is a soft, finely leaved continental tall fescue selected for improved animal palatability and rust resistance. Quantica is a deep rooted, robust, productive variety offering more persistence than perennial ryegrass and can tolerate waterlogging, salinity, Grass Grub, heat and drought.

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Quantica Tall Fescue MaxP is a soft, finely leaved continental tall fescue selected for improved animal palatability and rust resistance. Like Quantum II MaxP, Quantica is a deep rooted, robust, productive variety offering more persistence than perennial ryegrass and can tolerate waterlogging, salinity, Grass Grub, heat and drought.

Quantica Tall Fescue is ideal in a blend with Mantra White Clover and Reaper Red Clover.

  • Soft fine leaves providing increased palatability
  • High yielding with improved cool season growth
  • Excellent dryland production and autumn drought recovery
  • Very good disease (crown rust) resistance
  • Low aftermath heading

MaxP Endophyte

MaxP® is a novel tall fescue endophyte that improves the ability of tall fescue pastures to handle pest attack and moisture stress. Unlike ryegrass endophyte, MaxP endophyte produces a loline compound. This compound along with peramine is likely to be a key factor in providing protection against Argentine Stem Weevil, Black Beetle, Pasture Mealy Bug and Root Aphid. Once established tall fescue is naturally more tolerant to Grass Grub than ryegrass cultivars.