VATBUSTER are a proven versatile range of perennial pasture blends formulated to provide farmers with the highest quality pastures for your livestock. Using our strong agronomic, technical and research knowledge, our premium blends offer the latest pasture technology to provide high levels of metabolisable energy, good palatability & the persistence to our harsh local environments.


Our #1 Perennial Ryegrass & Clover Mix

A proven versatile mix of long rotation diploid/tetraploid enhanced late seeding perennial ryegrass and persistent white clover.

  • Matrix Perennial Ryegrass
  • Base AR37 Perennial Ryegrass
  • 4Front NEA2 Perennial Ryegrass
  • Mantra White Clover
  • Reaper Red Clover


#1 Ryegrass Only Mix

A perennial pasture mix containing the highest performing AR37, NEA2 and standard endophyte perennial cultivars & interspecies crosses that will promote high energy and palatability along with low aftermath heading.

  • Matrix Perennial Ryegrass
  • Base AR37 Perennial Ryegrass
  • 4Front NEA2 Perennial Ryegrass


For lower rainfall, high performance farms

A long term proven blend with a wide range of farmers looking for high density ryegrasses, persistence, resilient genetics and quality throughout the season.

  • Matrix Perennial Ryegrass
  • Legion AR37 Perennial Ryegrass
  • Leura Sub Clover
  • Leura Sub Clover
  • Hilltop White Clover


Diverse perennial mix

VATBUSTER plus Herbs is a high performing ryegrass, clover and herbs mix that provides all year round growth and pasture diversity. This mix includes the powerhouse ryegrass varieties of perennial ryegrasses, legumes for added quality and nitrogen fixation, and herbs such as Chico Chicory & Oracle Plantain to improve summer & autumn feed as well as their diverse herb root structure.

  • Matrix Perennial Ryegrass
  • Base AR37 Perennial Ryegrass
  • 4Front NEA2 Perennial Ryegrass
  • Mantra White Clover
  • Reaper Red Clover
  • Chico Chicory
  • Oracle Plantain

Clover, the powerhouse addition to VATBUSTER pastures

When considering pasture options, don't forget about clover! ?

We're continuing to see more and more clover added to mixes in the past 3-4 years due the introduction of higher quality and more sustainable clovers.

As many of you would already know for every tonne of clover dry matter grown per hectare, 25kg of nitrogen is fixed ?  We've choosen white (and red) clover with high dry matter production potential that has the ability to perform as part of a mixed sward. Each of our premium clovers, Mantra White and Reaper Red have ALL been bred to perform within high performance ryegrass swards such as VATBUSTER.

The small amount of red clover we add to VATBUSTER has a deeper taproot compared to white giving it greater tolerance of summer dry conditions and provides significantly higher dry matter production during these periods than white clover.

Quality, late maturing ryegrasses in VATBUSTER

Our main aim is to grow feed every day moisture is available, and late maturing ryegrasses enable farmers to maximise a grasses production by keeping leafy late into the season.

With this in mind, late flowering cultivars of Matrix (+23), Base AR37 (+22) and 4Front NEA2 (+18) have been chosen to fit the brief of VATBUSTER.

When compared to older types such as Nui and Vic, VATBUSTER on average goes to seed head 23 days later, providing a significant advantage in late Spring as they maintain leafiness for longer.

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today for more agronomy information