
Rampage Annual Ryegrass

Rampage Annual Ryegrass has demonstrated market leading production capabilities across Australian and New Zealand ryegrass trials with a highlight being the highest yielding annual ryegrass in the National Forage Variety Trials® 2022 summary (all New Zealand) with exceptional yield across all seasons.


Rampage Annual Ryegrass is the newest and highest yielding elite tetraploid annual ryegrass developed in partnership with leading plant breeders Cropmark Seeds. Rampage has demonstrated market leading production capabilities across Australian and New Zealand ryegrass trials with a highlight being the highest yielding annual ryegrass in the National Forage Variety Trials® 2022 summary (all New Zealand) with exceptional yield across all seasons.

Rampage is extremely fast establishing, with strong winter and spring production and has rapid re-growth after each grazing.


Figure: Rampage leads analysis of yield (kg/ha) in five annual ryegrass trials run under dryland conditions across 5 years (2019-2023 sown trials) at Ellinbank Victoria Australia. LSD: 5%

Riverina NSW/VIC: Rampage leads analysis of yield (kg/ha) in irrigated and dryland conditions at Howlong, Riverina. 2023 Annual Ryegrass trial LSD: 3%

Leading pasture breeding: Rampage

Rampage has been extensively trialled across Australia & New Zealand, with the focus on quick establishment, winter growth and high levels of leafy production late into spring and early summer (+20 days heading date). Notman Pasture Seeds followed it’s elite performance consistently throughout the selection process and growing season to ensure Rampage met the demands of current commercial farming operations.

Ultimate choice for flexibility and production

Growing leafy, quality, late heading Rampage ryegrass right through the silage and hay season is a valuable tool for farmers looking to maximise flexibility and production – and making the most of late season soil moisture. The elite Rampage has the ability to maintain high productivity for longer, enabling excellent pasture utilisation.

Unpredictable springs – renovation and maintaining pasture intake quality

With unpredictable springs delaying the process of planting a summer forage crops in 2020, 2021 & 2022 in southern Victoria, Rampage maintaining leafy feed can play a pivotal role in offering farmers flexibility in their pasture renovation programmes. Rampage makes pasture management easier, helping maintain the animals quality pasture intake through this period if farmers are delaying or cancelling summer crop plantings


Get your hands on Rampage

Office (03) 5659 2314
Adam Fisher 0437 512 015

Western Victoria
Andrew Allsop 0408 438 795
Jonathan Town 0409 118 663

Northern Victoria / Riverina
Peter Notman 0418 512 035

Peter Notman 0418 512 035

Key Benefits

  • Top annual ryegrass in the 2022 NFVT® with exceptional yield across all seasons
  • Very fast establishment
  • Very good winter growth, with rapid re-growth post grazing
  • Elite late season performance – holds on well into late spring, early summer
  • High tetraploid forage quality with excellent palatability and grazing utilisation
  • Ideal as a winter feed and for all livestock types

Variety Rampage Annual Ryegrass
Ploidy Tetraploid
Sowing rate 25-40 kg/ha
Sowing rate (mix) 20-25kg/ha with legume component
Heading Date Late +20 days to Nui=0
Winter activity Very high
Minimum rainfall 500mm

Rampage Annual Ryegrass
5 days after grazing vs market competitor

Rampage Annual Ryegrass
Late season leafiness

NFVT 2022 Summary

Rampage showcasing it’s staygreen & late season persistence
February 2023 @ Allansford (southern Victoria)

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