
Jivet Annual Ryegrass

Jivet Annual Ryegrass, bred by DLF Seeds, is a late maturing tetraploid annual ryegrass with exceptional seeding vigour and grows late into the season.



Jivet Annual Ryegrass is a rapid establishing tetraploid annual ryegrass bred by DLF Seeds. Farmers can benefit from Jivet’s late heading (+18 days compared with Nui) which give it long growth deep into the season, allowing for high stock capacity for longer.

  • Rapid establishment and strong winter production
  • Excellent quality silage
  • Maintained spring quality
  • Excellent disease resistance
  • Strong animal performance

Variety Jivet Annual Ryegrass
Species Annual Ryegrass
Ploidy Tetraploid
Sowing rate 25-40 kg/ha
Sowing rate (mix) 20-25kg/ha with legume component
Heading Date Late +18 days to Nui=0
Winter activity Very high
Minimum rainfall 500mm
Unit size 25kg, 1000kg