Mohaka AR37 Hybrid Ryegrass is a broad leaved, densely tillered tetraploid hybrid ryegrass, having superior cool season productivity when compared to its predecessor Ohau, due to having a higher percentage of Italian ryegrass parentage. In commercial trials, Mohaka has exhibited additional growth throughout the growing season compared to like types and with the AR37 endophyte, it is likely to persist through to a second or third season in most ryegrass environments. It has a strong geographic fit in Tasmania, southern Victoria, coastal South Australia and in the high rainfall tablelands zones in Southern NSW.
High quality feed into late spring
Mohaka fits a wide range of farming systems, as it can be used in high performance dairy platforms, lamb and beef fattening enterprises and will make great quality hay and silage. It has a +20 flowering date that will push quality late into the spring. Mohaka’s excellent rust tolerance and tiller density will see it become favoured over existing marketplace products.
Genuine oversowing option
Mohaka can be used as a multi-year ryegrass. Its fast establishment and seedling vigour makes it a successful oversowing option into existing perennial ryegrass paddocks that are starting to thin. It fits into farms where a 2 year grass rotation is require.