
Appeal Italian Ryegrass

Appeal Italian Ryegrass has shown consistently high yield performance in trials, with fast establishment, high winter and spring production, and good performance under moderate insect pressure.


Appeal Italian Ryegrass has shown consistently high yield performance in trials, with fast establishment, high winter, early spring production, and an ability to hold on well over the summer, even under moderate insect pressure.

At +28 days heading date, Appeal Italian Ryegrass is nearly two weeks later heading than traditional Italian ryegrasses, enabling it to maintain forage quality for longer into summer.

Appeal Italian Ryegrass produces high quality forage, of high nutritive value, high digestibility and high palatability. In addition, it has strong disease resistance including against rust, resulting in improved animal acceptance. And unlike some Italian ryegrasses, Appeal Italian Ryegrass will not cause grass staggers.

  • Consistently high yield and cool season performance
  • Very persistent, even under harsh management conditions
  • Bounces back from hard grazings well
  • Won’t cause grass staggers or heat stress
  • Very late heading (+28 days) for carrying pasture quality longer into spring
  • Very low aftermath heading (returns to vegetative state quickly after heading)
  • Very palatable
  • Ideal for use as a short term, high quality feed, or for oversowing into damaged or run-out pastures to extend their life

Variety Appeal Italian Ryegrass
Species Italian Ryegrass
Endophyte Nil
Sowing rate 25-40 kg/ha
Sowing depth 5-10mm
Heading Date Very Late +28 days to Nui=0
Ploidy Diploid
Pasture life 1-2 years
Unit sizes 25kg, 1000kg

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