
Arise Italian Ryegrass

Arise is a late maturing tetraploid Italian ryegrass (+15 days) bred for Barenbrug. Arise offers quick establishment for early feed and a wide growth period, providing quality feed throughout the year.


Arise Italian Ryegrass is a late maturing tetraploid Italian ryegrass (+15 days) bred for Barenbrug. Arise offers quick establishment for early feed and a wide growth period, providing quality feed throughout the year. Arise is capable of multiple grazings throughout late autumn, winter, early spring and late spring, with the ability to produce quality feed in a second year under the correct conditions. This provides the benefit of a more productive pasture to grow more home-grown feed for your livestock. Suitable for over sowing into existing pastures for a boost to establish quick feed options, reducing the need for winter supplementary feeding and aiding to fill the winter feed gap.

Key Features

  • Tetraploid Italian ryegrass
  • High forage yield – even better than Aston
  • Great all-season performance
  • Fast establishment and great winter yield

Key Benefits

  • More home-grown forage for milk, meat and hay/silage
  • Helps to fill the autumn and winter-feed gaps
  • Produces excellent quality forage for livestock


Variety Arise Italian Ryegrass
Endophyte Nil
Sowing rate 25-40 kg/ha
Heading Date Late heading, +15 days to Nui=0
Ploidy Tetraploid