
Captain Plantain

Captain Plantain from Barenbrug is a winter active plantain (Plantago lanceolata) demonstrating improved cool season growth over other plantain cultivars.


Captain Plantain is a winter active plantain (Plantago lanceolata) demonstrating improved cool season growth over other plantain cultivars. Captain CSP is the first plantain cultivar to come through the Barenbrug breeding program and was selected from Tonic, demonstrating leading forage yield and cool season growth with an upright growth habit and narrower leaf.

Key features

  • Upright, narrow-leaf plantain
  • Improved cool season activity over other plantain cultivars
  • Leading total forage production
  • High forage quality and mineral content
  • Fibrous root system which aids in reducing N leaching

Key benefits

  • The increased cool season production helps fill critical feed gaps for most farming systems, in temperate regions of Southern Australia
  • Captain’s leading forage production increases ‘home grown feed’ and carrying capacity and/or reduces the need for expensive supplement use
  • High forage quality, such as low neutral detergent fibre (NDF) leads to quick rumen degradation resulting in high drymatter intake (DMI). This increased DMI leads into improved animal performance; liveweight gain or milk production
  • The fibrous root system of plantain is shown by research to mitigate N losses in high input systems (i.e. Dairy) and therefore can be used as a mitigation tool for nitrate leaching


Variety Captain Plantain
Performance Exhibits fast establishment with strong year-round growth
Sowing date Early Spring & Early Autumn
Sowing depth 10-15mm
Sowing rate 1-3kg/ha (mix), 8-10kg/ha (standalone)
Ready to graze 50-70 days
Persistence 2-3 years
Companion species (Autumn sown) Ryegrass, White Clover, Red Clover, Plantain
Companion species (Autumn sown) Plantain, Red Clover, Forage Brassicas

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