Adjuvants play an important role in herbicide formulations and spray mixtures to improve herbicide performance. Find out more here
Adjuvant Quick Guide

Why combine Diploid & Tetraploid ryegrasses?
Diploid ryegrasses have two sets of chromosomes per cell, compared to a tetraploid which has four. Diploids combine yield and robustness whilst Tetraploid’s are extremely tasty and palatable.
Selecting a Fodder Beet variety
Fodder beet is a demanding crop, but if managed well it can be extremely high yielding. So it’s important to select the correct fodder beet variety to fit your farms requirements. Our range of Fodder Beet varieties have been bred to be grazed in-situ, or be lifted and fed whole or chopped.
Fodder Beet – Sowing & Management Recommendations
Fodder beet is a demanding crop but if managed properly can be extremely high yielding. Attention to detail in preparation prior to, during and following sowing is critical to ensure good results.
Combating Winter Grasses
Preventing winter grass establishment is a key component in maximising the performance or your pastures.
Accelerate – Increasing Winter Growth
Accelerate Growth Regulant is a naturally occurring plant hormone that has been maximising pasture growth during the cooler months to deliver quality feed quantity during periods of reduced winter pasture production.
Why renovate your pastures?
From the time a pasture becomes properly established its production gradually declines and often the feed quality also reduces. Commonly there is a loss of high quality pasture species over time, often due to pest attack.
Steps to control Barley Grass
Barley Grass has continued to become a greater problem with annual grasses that are prolific seeders tending to dominate over perennial species. We’ve listed some practical tips to combat Barley Grass