Michael Shipton | Bega

Michael Shipton | Bega

“Gibberellic Acid is a great way to grow extra feed when soil temperatures drop in the cooler months. It’s quick and easy to apply, we save time by combining it with our broadleaf control during our first application in late autumn/early winter, followed by another application before the spring break kicks in. We apply it to a wide variety of pasture species, from cereals to annuals and perennial ryegrass” Michael Shipton, dairy farmer at Bega NSW

May 31, 2016

Sam Doolan Jnr | Ecklin South

“We’ve been using Gibberellic Acid for 3 seasons now and it has become a simple way to grow extra feed when we need it most. Our first application we combine with our broadleaf control spray in late autumn/early winter, then apply two more applications during the winter months. It allows us to split our bigger paddocks, extending our paddock rotation in the colder months. It doesn’t change the palatability of the grass, or effect pasture growth in the spring months.”

May 31, 2016

Mark Hammond | Labertouche

“Gibberellic Acid is a great way to grow extra feed. At present I’m spraying broadleaf weeds, and while doing this we’re using Gibberellic Acid as well. It’s a great way to grow an extra half tonne of feed. It’s a tool that’s important to give an advantage in a tough year”.

May 26, 2016

Accelerate – Increasing Winter Growth

Accelerate Growth Regulant is a naturally occurring plant hormone that has been maximising pasture growth during the cooler months to deliver quality feed quantity during periods of reduced winter pasture production.

May 25, 2016

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February 18, 2016

Perennial Ryegrass

February 17, 2016

Why renovate your pastures?

From the time a pasture becomes properly established its production gradually declines and often the feed quality also reduces. Commonly there is a loss of high quality pasture species over time, often due to pest attack.

February 15, 2016

Steps to control Barley Grass

Barley Grass has continued to become a greater problem with annual grasses that are prolific seeders tending to dominate over perennial species. We’ve listed some practical tips to combat Barley Grass

February 5, 2016

Pasture Planning & Improvements

The aim on most farms would have to be more home grown feed, therefore achieving a greater amount of total energy harvested per Ha. With this in mind, the main ingredients for a successful pasture crop need to be

January 14, 2016

GrubOUT U2 Endophyte

Introducing the GrubOUT® U2 endophyte, a unique new endophyte providing host pasture grasses with above and below ground protection against serious insect pests.

December 16, 2015
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