Tag: Weed Control

Step by step guide to establishing turf & lawn

Establish a dense, healthy, and uniform turf on a fine, weed-free seedbed by following a step by step approach to preparation, sowing, and post-sowing care. Planning Timing: Choose the appropriate season for turf species (e.g., spring or early autumn for cool-season grasses like ryegrass, late spring for warm-season grasses like couch and kikuyu). Seed Blend Selection: Our lawn and turf seed blends include: Site Preparation Weed Control: Eliminate existing lawn and weeds using a non-selective herbicide such as Glyphosate Green 360 or a glyphosate free alternative such as Macho Duo. 6 hours before any rain. Always read label Fallow: Allow 10-14 days, which is sufficient time for herbicide to breakdown existing grasses and weeds. Clear Debris: Remove rocks, sticks, and […]

Ragwort control in southern Victoria

Notman Pasture Seeds has put together a small guide on controlling Ragwort in southern Victorian pasture such as Gippsland and south-west Victoria. Ragwort growing cycle and how to identify Ragwort, if left undisturbed, follows a distinctive two-year life cycle. In the first year, after most seeds germinate during autumn, the plant forms a low cluster of leaves near the ground, known as a rosette. By the second year, it grows upright, reaching heights of up to 1.5 meters. During this phase, it features twisted dark green leaves and vibrant yellow flowers that cluster at the ends of small branches, giving it a characteristic flat-topped appearance. However, in pastures, ragwort often exceeds this two-year life span due to interactions with grazing […]

Combating winter grass in perennial pastures

As we move into late autumn and early winter, a range of winter grasses and broadleafed weeds begin to germinate in our pastures. Light green in colour with tufted growth habit and seeding from late winter throughout spring and early summer, Poa Annual matures quickly and seeds profusely making them an agressive weed difficult to control. Grazing or mowing is ultimately ineffective in their control as they begin to choke up your pastures. Preventing winter grass establishment is a key component in maximising the performance or your pastures. As you can see by the images below: WINTER GRASSES TRIAL Using Scanner 500 herbicide, Notman Pasture Seeds trialed its effectiveness on winter grasses last season here at Larnder. As you can see there […]

Weed control Notman Seeds

Weed control in new pasture

Weed Control in Pasture – the importance of controlling weeds early. Planning a weed control programme for new grass will help you grow strong, healthy and persistent pasture. TOP TIPS IMPACT Short term: Seedling weeds vigorously compete for nutrients, moisture, light and most importantly, space. Early removal of these weeds allows for more rapid and even establishment resulting in an increased amount of dry matter for your stock. Long term: Poor establishment of newly sown pasture results in a decrease in pasture productivity and an increase in chemical costs from the extra weed control requirements down the track. PRE GRAZING Ideally, you need a herbicide that will not damage the newly established pasture while providing effective weed control. SPRAY GRAZING Spray grazing is an excellent and […]

Winter grass control – a multi pronged approach

Better results from pasture renewal with a final check

Maximising autumn pasture renewal starts with optimising pasture establishment by checking for & eradicating competing weeds & grass – and this can make all the difference in success or sub-optimal establishment of new pasture. A final check of your paddocks before you spray them out this season is the first step towards establishing strong & persistent pasture. It’s an opportunity to find out what weeds are present, taking pictures if you’re unsure, and getting in touch with your local agronomy team to find out what you need to get rid of them. It often as simple as this final check.  Peter Notman of Notman Pasture Seeds says even if you’re ticking all the other boxes with good variety selection, adequate soil fertility and start-up fertiliser, this final paddock check before sowing can establish the need to broaden […]

Rebel Herbicide Notman Seeds

NEW REBEL low odour, non volatile 2,4-D Acid

At Notman Pasture Seeds we are excited to bring our loyal farmers REBEL Herbicide, a NEW novel safer, low odour, non volatile 24D Acid EC that can be used in place of 2,4-D Amine. We think it has it’s place in our chemical portfolio for people who are concerned about volatility, odour and herbicide efficacy – and are prepared to pay a premium for this over your standard 2,4-D. Rebel Herbicide features are: Good on hard to kill weeds Low odour compared to other 24D formulations Superior efficacy compared to Amine formulation No need to carry Ester and Amine in the shed – one drum now that can be used in either situation Compatible with Glyphosate and others Can be […]

Weed control Notman Seeds

Knocking down pasture broadleaf weeds

Key time for knocking out weeds Maximising the performance of our home grown pastures and doing the small things right canlead to dry matter gains, improved production and better value for every dollar spent, soNotman Pasture Seeds have prepared some simple tips to get the most out of your pastures inlate autumn and early spring. Peter Notman of Notman Pasture Seeds said seedling weeds vigorously compete for nutrients,moisture, light and most importantly, space. “Early removal of these weeds allows for more rapid and even establishment resulting in anincreased amount of dry matter for your stock” Mr Notman said. “Poor establishment of newly sown pasture results in a decrease in pasture productivity and anincrease in chemical costs from the extra weed control […]