Tag: Notman Pasture Seeds

Keys to promoting winter pasture growth

Keys to promoting winter growth Permanent pasture is the mainstay of our pastures in South Gippsland, so maximising the performance of these pastures is of utmost importance. Timing is important in the establishment new pastures as overlooked opportunities & mismanagement can have severe impacts on long term pasture performance heading into late winter and spring with diminished DM/ha returns of quality feed. Walk pastures on a regular basis and assess how far away they are from the necessary grazing, fertiliser and weed/pest control. Common weed infestations include capeweed, chickweed, dock, erodium, flatweed, marshmallow, stinging nettle & thistles. It’s important to ensure herbicide grazing withholds are observed & impact to legumes such as clovers are taken into consideration. New pastures often […]

Step by step pasture renovation

With home grown feed more important than ever Notman Pasture Seeds have prepared a range of pasture planning recommendations to optimise the establishment of ryegrass pastures this season. Peter Notman, owner of Notman Pasture Seeds and Walcha Dairy, said there are key dynamics to maximising the establishment ryegrass pastures. ‘It’s important being organised throughout the whole process, including paddock preparation, germination, weed control and through to the first grazing’  ‘Optimise paddock potential prior to sowing by reducing unwanted trash and summer grasses such as barley grass and maximising germination of weeds’ ‘A fine, firm clean seedbed and spraying out germinating weeds with a knockdown herbicides & a spike so you are ready to plant into clean paddocks. Under all cultivation […]

Gippsland pasture planning recommendations

Notman Pasture Seeds has prepared a range of pasture planning recommendations to optimise the establishment of ryegrass pastures this Autumn. Poowong based Peter Notman of Notman Pasture Seeds said there were key dynamics to maximising the establishment of pastures. With home grown feed in the Gippsland more important than ever it is important to get the basics right. “It’s important being organised throughout the whole process, including potential sprayout, paddock preparation, germination, weed control and through to the first grazing,” Mr Notman said. He advised farmers to optimise paddock potential prior to sowing by reducing unwanted trash such as weeds and summer grasses by grazing paddocks hard. “A fine, firm clean seedbed is important and spraying out germinating weeds with […]

Late maturing ryegrasses boosting production

Growing leafy, quality, late heading italian ryegrass right through the silage and hay season has become been a valuable tool for Western District farmers looking to maximise flexibility and production. Heading dates vary significantly between ryegrasses, and these should be understood to ensure the grasses mix on a farm is most appropriate to its pasture production requirements and soil characteristics. Jonathan Town of Notman Pasture Seeds in Purnim said late, and very late heading ryegrasses provide a significant advantage in late spring quality, especially pertinent in southern dairy regions. “Late heading ryegrasses provide a significant advantage in late spring & early summer quality, as they maintain leafiness for longer, go to seed head later and newer varieties tend be still […]

Forage diversity with multi specie blends

Benefits of multi specie pasture swards are not a new occurrence, however there’s renewed interest in what diverse swards can offer modern production systems. Well-designed multi species pastures will have a diversity that can increase overall yield, diet composition and reduces the risks of a range of environmental challenges. On the flip side there are things to be aware of when grazing alternative crops such as optimising establishment, limited weed control and animal health issues such as high levels of nitrate in brassicas. Peter Notman, dairy farmer and forage specialist at Notman Pasture Seeds in Poowong says some producers add different varieties of seed to their standard winter and summer pasture stands to provide more forage diversity and drought hardiness. […]

Pugged pasture re-sowing options

After several dry years, some farmers’ paddocks across southern Victoria have become saturated to a point that it has led to severe pasture damage and recovery will depend on a number of factors when planning what strategies you may wish to take. Pugged pasture re-sowing options Spring re-sowing can be successful when action is taken quickly. We have observed a large amount of successful spring sowing during our 30 years in the field when there is good planning, timing, seed soil contact and fertility. The spring pasture re-sowing window is short, so as soon as soils are dry enough to get machinery the re-sowing should be implemented as fast as practical. All spring-sown pasture or crop should be fertilised with […]

Choosing a Perennial Ryegrass

When all the sales reps say they have the best grass for you – here’s what to consider when choosing the right perennial ryegrass for your farming operation. Five main points you have to consider when choosing a perennial ryegrass: Endophyte strains Choosing and understanding the correct endophyte strain is important for the longevity of your pastures with insect pests stripping valuable dry matter and can even kill ryegrass pastures. Black beetle, cockchafers, lucerne flea, grass grub and field crickets (just to name a few) pressure the persistence of perennial pastures. SE, AR1, AR37 and NEA2 are all novel endophytes and have been developed by plant breeders to help protect grasses from insect attack. Learn more about endophytes Heading date Standard heading ryegrasses […]

Growing demand for Bullet ryegrass for fast winter-feed

With a particularly dry summer and autumn for farming in Southern Victoria creating a reduction in feed options over the coming months, farmers have increasingly been looking at cheaper and quicker home grown feed options. In many cases, it has become evident heavily grazed paddocks haven’t bounced back so there has been a focus on boosting home grown feed supplies before soil temperatures cool down and growth rates slow. The introduction of fast growing annual ryegrasses is a key component of many pasture programs especially whenever there is a need to bump-up production levels to crease extra supplies. Key features are their speed of establishment, high growth rates over autumn, winter and late into spring, coupled with high pasture quality […]

Bega Valley Dairy Tour by Notman Pasture Seeds

Seventeen Gippsland dairy farmers recently returned from a four-day tour of the Bega Valley with Notman Pasture Seeds, stepping on farm with enthusiastic dairy operators. The tour, organised by Notman Pasture Seeds, developed opportunities to engage and learn from fellow dairy farmers in the Bega Valley, visiting leading dairy & fodder operations, networking with Dairy Australia, Far South Coast Development Group, Bega Cheese & Rabobank representatives. Whilst the current challenging dairy economics were present in most conversations, the group were keen to pick up farming developments translatable to operations in Gippsland. Extensive development highlights included the Kimber’s sustainable large scale lucerne and Pioneer maize fodder farm at Chakola supporting their 1200 cows at Bega, Trevor Platt’s passion for developing dryland […]

Kicking off Western District pasture renovation

It has been a particularly dry start to the year in the Western District – and that has led to sustained and heavily grazed paddocks and a reduction of feed options moving into Autumn. To kick off the year Warrnambool recorded 29.2mm, 55% down on January-February average of 65mm. Terang recorded 36.8mm, 39% down on average 61mm. And Nullawarre recorded 48.4mm, 39% down on average 80.4mm. In some cases pastures won’t bounce back, so increasingly demand has risen for cheaper, quicker, home grown feed that’s still coupled with high pasture quality and palatability. The introduction of fast growing annual ryegrasses is a key component of many pasture programs especially whenever there is a need to bump-up production levels to increase […]

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